New Personal Fashion Statements: The Right Hand Diamond Ring
The newest hot trend in diamond jewelry is the Right Hand Diamond Ring.
It stands for independence, success, strength, self-assertiveness and freedom.
The right hand diamond ring differs significantly in design. Its design uses open spaces, smaller stones instead of, or combined with, a single solitaire - and in combinations designed to express the personality and individuality of the wearer.
In 2006, an astounding 4.5 million Right Hand Rings were sold. This has come as a complete surprise to many in the jewelry industry. However, women, and some men looking for women's jewelry, want something different in today's world.
The Independent Career Woman
The idea was to go with the new wave of feminist thinking stressing upon women's independence wish – married or not, you still have to wear diamonds in your ring to reassess your leading position alongside men! It's a sort of impulse for the women who are generically tired of the role of housewives and feel they can do better with their lives. So, the left hand ring stands for the labors that marriage brings along - while the right hand ring reads as the careless, joyful side of life.
Men Also
Men are also a target for this advertising technique: loving husbands are encouraged to buy a gift for their wives that will flatter not only their need for love proofs but also the thought of being valued and respected as an independent person, and not a nice accessory to men or a house decor item. And not only married men should buy right hand rings, the concept has a wider meaning: it doesn't matter if you are married or not, as long as you are involved in a love relation you should definitely consider buying a right hand ring as a gift!
That they prevail in beauty had been established long ago, but now it is not enough any longer as it is not enough merely being accepted into the social life. The need appeared for women to be recognized as equal in value to men or even surpassing them.
For years, right hand rings have also been a sign of commitment for gay couples.
Working more and earning more than ever before, women choose now to put the idea that we live in a men's world way behind them.