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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rubies - a Rare Gem

The Hot Trend For Diamonds & Ruby Jewelry

One of the latest trends in bridal jewelry today is a splash of brilliant red flash.

Diamonds and rubies in jewelry comes in all kinds of interesting and creative designs.

One of the most popular styles of eternity rings are multiple rubies set in a band of diamonds. The visual effect of the blood red ruby wedding band is particularly startling against the whiteness of a diamond. It is also flattering on any color of skin. Today you are just as likely to see diamonds and rubies in wedding rings on new brides.

So, Why Choose Rubies & Diamonds for Your Wedding Jewelry?
It might just have to do with the symbolism of the color red. Red symbolizes love, warmth and vitality. In Feng Shui it is considered to be the color of prosperity. It also looks particularly good cut in a heart shape and surrounded by diamonds in the ring. The diamond and ruby wedding ring is also very romantic. The glittering red ruby provides stark contrast to the glittering white diamonds.

The word ruby comes form the Latin word "rubens" which means "red." Ruby red is a color in itself and is used to refer to brilliant reds that are warm and fiery in color. The stone also symbolizes fire and blood, which of course equates to erotic and sexual passion. The flashing of its natural fire also symbolizes the beating of the human heart. A diamond and ruby wedding ring set is the perfect mix of Fire and Ice.

The Absolutely Most Expensive Rubies are the Star Rubies
When cut in a half shape it displays a star with six rays that moves across the surface of the stones. If such a stone does appeal to you keep in mind that the ones with the best value have a star that shines in the center of the stone and not slightly off to the side of the gem.

When shopping for a diamond and ruby ring you might want to consider what professional jewelers refer to as "the silk of the ruby." This is a deep glow that some rubies have that also gives them a soft yet brilliant appearance. This effect, which is caused by hundreds of microscopic scars in the stone, is also sometimes referred to as "asterism." The rubies that boast complete asterism are the Star Rubies.

What is nice about a ruby is that you can match the color of the stone to suit the preferences of the bride. Like people, rubies display quite a bit of personality and like a soul mate, the ruby with the perfect hue can take a lot of time and effort to find.

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